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Approaching Dangerous Game Course
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The course's modules
High-profile animal species High-profile animal species All animals should be considered potentially dangerous. The most widely accepted concept of a dangerous animal is one that commonly injures or kills human beings. Due to the possibility of giving these animals 'bad press' the politically correct term is now 'high profile game species' .There are ten such animals that are said to fit this description and these ten are all studied here in detail.
Animal behaviour Animal behaviour Although animal behaviour is the topic of this module, it must be clarified that specific behaviourisms highlighted are specific to the high profile game species. We look into the 7 key patterns of behaviour, 3 main organs of expression as indicators of intent and the comfort zone concept.
Weapons and handling Weapons and handling For many a guide, their rifle is their ubiquitous companion and the importance of its role in a successful guiding career cannot be over emphasized. To this end, we cover the following topics: a short history of firearms, the rifle, ammunition and ballistics, weapon handling (safety, sighting, practice and cleaning), kill zones and shooting an animal.
Procedures and etiquette Procedures and etiquette It is the guide's responsibility to check the following before departing on a trail: weather, camp security, guests and route selection, all of these factors are highlighted, as is the pre - trail briefing and the potentially fatal phenomenon known as the Dickybird syndrome.
Case studies, situations and encounters Case studies, situations and encounters There is only one way to gain bush experience, spend time in the bush. This module does not attempt to replace bush experience, but rather to prepare guides for a wide variety of encounters, scenarios and situations. These are roughly divided into animal, area, kill site and deadly force scenarios. However no matter how prepared you might be, every situation will be different.

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