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Digital Wildlife Photography Course
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The course's modules
Preparation Preparation The components included in the preparatory module include: wildlife as a photographic specialisation; what this course will teach you; equipment considerations; preparing yourself for the field and shooting raw; essential elements of a good photograph and some important theories - dynamic range and histograms.
Lighting for wildlife photography Lighting for wildlife photography This module examines the various lighting techniques commonly used and mis-used in wildlife photography. we explore: front lighting, backlighting side and subdued lighting concluding with artificial lighting.
Average to exceptional wildlife photography Average to exceptional wildlife photography This module takes a look at: what the camera sees; anticipating your subject and macro photography.
Processing your images Processing your images This module of the course explores what to do now that your photographs have been taken. We examine digital workflow, post-processing equipment and the actual post-processing of your imagery.
Make the quantum leap Make the quantum leap We conclude the course with a concise component with five tips to dramatically improve your photographs.

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