Student Top 100

for the 'Approaching Dangerous Game' course
The top 100 list is calculated per course as follows:
1) The student has not graduated this course.
2) The student has completed at least 1 module.
3) The number of modules completed.
4) The average test score obtained for all the modules completed for this course.

Note: The module badge is only displayed if all the components for the module are passed.
Login name Position Badges
jytte1High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourProcedures and etiquetteCase studies, situations and encounters
cerinthe12High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourProcedures and etiquetteCase studies, situations and encounters
mambocl3High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
linda.grobler4High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
Ezelle5High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
Johanni6High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
AnkaB7High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
MarinaD8High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
Marksa20069High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
mos10High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
Quinten11High-profile animal speciesWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
photo12High-profile animal speciesWeapons and handlingProcedures and etiquette
avies13High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handling
Vrystater14High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourCase studies, situations and encounters
Bart15High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviourWeapons and handling
kazbee16High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Lezley17High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
JJMvanNiekerk18High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Luana19High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
D.L.Pennings20High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Shak21High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
vundu22High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
DavideAIEA23High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Firefish24High-profile animal speciesWeapons and handling
eelego25High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
nicolefaber26High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
sampage27High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Daluxolo28High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Valla29High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Zetwee30High-profile animal speciesAnimal behaviour
Loisaba31High-profile animal species
MattCop32High-profile animal species
Rinze33High-profile animal species
ealesjb34High-profile animal species
Francois9135Procedures and etiquette
jufmel36High-profile animal species
chanique37Animal behaviour
Holly38High-profile animal species
kimholman39High-profile animal species
Thato12340High-profile animal species
Beardedheron41High-profile animal species
steve.stinger42High-profile animal species
Zenana43High-profile animal species

To The Top