Student Top 100

for the 'Birding by Habitat' course
The top 100 list is calculated per course as follows:
1) The student has not graduated this course.
2) The student has completed at least 1 module.
3) The number of modules completed.
4) The average test score obtained for all the modules completed for this course.

Note: The module badge is only displayed if all the components for the module are passed.
Login name Position Badges
AldineLombard1Birding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of PreyIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
Bart2The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of PreyIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
bellbee3The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
BushmanTom4The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
egreyling985The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
Grant236The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
hlimond7The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
Linko8The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
luanleeu9The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
nicojoubert123410The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
RogerMoretti11The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
Suryasiras12The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
tekalo13The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of PreyIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
Terryo14The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
Andre44415The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
Bhashu16The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
Birdman10017The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of Prey
BrendaM18The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds Woodland and Forest Habitats
chloemarinebio19The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
consoh20The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of Prey
dzuni1121Birding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
haroldh779@gmail.com22The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
Jyme23The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of Prey
Margaux.maz24The Basics of BirdingIdentifying Birds of Prey
MarkDeWet25The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
mfanasibili26Birding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
Ntombii27Birding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
Sangito28Birding in Aquatic HabitatsIdentifying Birds of Prey
UnaBH29The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
wildmountain30The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
willemnieman31The Basics of BirdingBirding in Aquatic Habitats
Abbyann32Identifying Birds of Prey
adprice33Identifying Birds of Prey
adriaan134Identifying Birds of Prey
adriaanbuys35Birding in Aquatic Habitats
ajlber36Identifying Birds of Prey Birds of Prey
AlanDenman38The Basics of Birding
ALLYTH39Identifying Birds of Prey
Almero40Identifying Birds of Prey
Aluta41Identifying Birds of Prey
Amore42Identifying Birds of Prey
andre543Identifying Birds of Prey
andrevanzyl44Identifying Birds of Prey
Anjolize45Identifying Birds of Prey
anriuk46Identifying Birds of Prey
ant198247Identifying Birds of Prey
antonfer48Identifying Birds of Prey
Antonia49Identifying Birds of Prey
anupambaskey50Identifying Birds of Prey
anzelolivier51Identifying Birds of Prey
Arie52Identifying Birds of Prey
Ashley53Identifying Birds of Prey
bandasamsonxolisile@54The Basics of Birding
bandit55Identifying Birds of Prey
Barak56Identifying Birds of Prey
bateleur57Identifying Birds of Prey
boamogetswe58Identifying Birds of Prey
Brahm59Identifying Birds of Prey
Brandon9660The Basics of Birding
Brilliantchibura61Identifying Birds of Prey
britsa62Identifying Birds of Prey
Bushwacker63Identifying Birds of Prey
caeshlem64Identifying Birds of Prey
Carina65Identifying Birds of Prey
Cerasmus66Identifying Birds of Prey
charma.cee67Identifying Birds of Prey
Chaylene15668The Basics of Birding
Cheetah1648869The Basics of Birding
Chez70Birding in Aquatic Habitats
Chrisjl71Identifying Birds of Prey
chuhies72Identifying Birds of Prey
ckearns73Identifying Birds of Prey
CLYTH74Identifying Birds of Prey
Conflict9975Identifying Birds of Prey
Darrien76Birding in Aquatic Habitats
dave2577Identifying Birds of Prey
Debs78Identifying Birds of Prey
DerekMoran79The Basics of Birding
despet80Identifying Birds of Prey
dfaller81Birding in Aquatic Habitats
DGS82Identifying Birds of Prey
dianaf83Identifying Birds of Prey
Dickie84Identifying Birds of Prey
DIG12385Identifying Birds of Prey
DJM86Identifying Birds of Prey
donboxy87Identifying Birds of Prey
Done88Identifying Birds of Prey
Doug89Identifying Birds of Prey
drpreeti2290Identifying Birds of Prey
dzunisani91Identifying Birds of Prey
Elguanitia92Identifying Birds of Prey
elmie93Identifying Birds of Prey
ElsjeBotha94The Basics of Birding
EmeliaJvR95Identifying Birds of Prey
EmileLaubscher96The Basics of Birding
ErinJooste97Identifying Birds of Prey
Essie98Identifying Birds of Prey
Essie8199Identifying Birds of Prey
ESTJ100Identifying Birds of Prey

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