Student Top 100

for the 'Capture, Care and Management of Wildlife' course
The top 100 list is calculated per course as follows:
1) The student has not graduated this course.
2) The student has completed at least 1 module.
3) The number of modules completed.
4) The average test score obtained for all the modules completed for this course.

Note: The module badge is only displayed if all the components for the module are passed.
Login name Position Badges
Neal1Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture TechniquesCapture and Management of Large HerbivoresCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresGame TranslocationHelicopters in Game CaptureLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameCulling
tviersel2Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture TechniquesCapture and Management of Large HerbivoresCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureGame in Temporary CaptivityCulling
CorneS3Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapture and Management of Large HerbivoresCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameCulling
JeshuaSchabort4Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture TechniquesCapture and Management of Large HerbivoresCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresGame TranslocationHelicopters in Game Capture
leahfox5Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture TechniquesCapture and Management of Large HerbivoresCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureCulling
MichaelaWWE6Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameCulling
Brodyboldt157Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameCulling
Ntombii8Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapturing CarnivoresGame TranslocationLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameGame in Temporary CaptivityCulling
OLIVERNCUBE9Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureLoading, Transport and Unloading of GameGame in Temporary CaptivityCulling
Nxabega10Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureCulling
sampage11Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureCulling
FFR12Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture TechniquesCulling
Louisegoosen13Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesHelicopters in Game CaptureCulling
wendy114Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCapture of Plains GameCapturing CarnivoresCulling
sjlindemann15Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCulling
EHill8716Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
Gamboa17Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
Hoffie630218Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
chrish95/37519Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
Ria20Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
Kean21Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesMass Capture Techniques
Beccalurieedwards22Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
rangerrudie@outlook.23Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationCapturing CarnivoresGame in Temporary CaptivityCulling
M.Esterhuyzen24Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureCulling
ursina25Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
loxodonta6926Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Pieter-Schalk27Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureHelicopters in Game CaptureCulling
20mmeyjor28Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Hazelle29Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture TechniquesCulling
JasonHendry7730Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Petrus0331Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Marzaanleroux32Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Frik0933Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Ron9634Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
angels35Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Orstin36Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Enrico_Schwartze37Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
AshlynSingh8938Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
Vanzyljjb39Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeCulling
MBesnard40Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game Capture
Moseki41Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementCapturing CarnivoresHelicopters in Game CaptureGame in Temporary Captivity
vlad42Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of WildlifeDrug Delivery for Game Capture
Loryn43Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationDrug Delivery for Game CaptureNon-Mass Capture Techniques
TNewton44Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationCulling
Quinten45Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationCulling
IvorvanRooyen46Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of Wildlife
RianaSteenekamp47Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationCulling
ShannonWatts48Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of Wildlife
marlene2349Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationChemical Capture of Wildlife
Kay-leen50Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementCapture of Plains GameCapturing Carnivores
2bekatelynne51Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationCapturing Carnivores
kimholman52Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture OperationNon-Mass Capture Techniques
LeanneWWE53Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
FrancoisSteyn54Planning a Game Capture OperationCulling
Monique199855Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementCulling
ZanZy56Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementGame in Temporary Captivity
ChelseaKruck9357Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
jjflikweert58Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Nicole_G59Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Wooly60Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Boss61Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
gazajo62Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
jambopk63Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
JoleneKoen64Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
LiamJames9265Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
markdaub66Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Meraldi67Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
spokiebotha68Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Anniekedekock69Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
C.Wilson70Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
FayOlive71Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
helensayle72Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
limpbizkit73Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
pmr74Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
terencemeise75Ethics Considerations of Wildlife ManagementPlanning a Game Capture Operation
Anjolize81Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Dean0182Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
RySpies83Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Eloise84Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
siphiwe85Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
svenbruss86Planning a Game Capture Operation
alanh87Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Gina88Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
GregR89Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
JustinTerblanche90Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Louren91Non-Mass Capture Techniques
RoxiLeeW92Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Rudie93Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
SharkDoc94Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Tavish95Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
WernerN96Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Anneri97Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
consumage98Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
Elguanitia99Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management
iMate100Ethics Considerations of Wildlife Management

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