Student Top 100

for the 'Birding' course
The top 100 list is calculated per course as follows:
1) The student has not graduated this course.
2) The student has completed at least 1 module.
3) The number of modules completed.
4) The average test score obtained for all the modules completed for this course.

Note: The module badge is only displayed if all the components for the module are passed.
Login name Position Badges
Terryo1Introduction to birds and flightThe biology, ecology and identification of birdsWildlifeCampus Top 100 BirdsThe raptors of southern Africa
JoanaCastanheira2Introduction to birds and flightThe biology, ecology and identification of birdsWildlifeCampus Top 100 BirdsAfrican bird folklore
ZiyaadD3Introduction to birds and flightThe biology, ecology and identification of birdsWildlifeCampus Top 100 Birds
SharonvT4Introduction to birds and flightWildlifeCampus Top 100 Birds
JohanEnslin775Introduction to birds and flight
WaynneP16Introduction to birds and flight
KayleighFarquhar7Introduction to birds and flight
Gvmalt8Introduction to birds and flight
lesiata9Introduction to birds and flight
willem10Introduction to birds and flight

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