Student Top 100

for the 'Astronomy' course
The top 100 list is calculated per course as follows:
1) The student has not graduated this course.
2) The student has completed at least 1 module.
3) The number of modules completed.
4) The average test score obtained for all the modules completed for this course.

Note: The module badge is only displayed if all the components for the module are passed.
Login name Position Badges
PRS1Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)Stars and Galaxies
SlobNA2Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)Stars and Galaxies
Lulu19943Earth and MoonStars and GalaxiesMeasurement and Equipment
BA4594Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)Stars and Galaxies
Ilana5Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
Quinton01086Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
AxelGW7Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
d.bez8Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
CarlaFoord9Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
madisonjay10Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
SdeBeer11Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
Christianru12Sun and Planets (Solar System)Stars and Galaxies
Wesly13Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
UnathiHM14Earth and MoonSun and Planets (Solar System)
ntanganedzeni15Earth and MoonStars and Galaxies
CJ816Earth and Moon
Katwalton17Earth and Moon
GT30818Earth and Moon
Gilliam19Earth and Moon
Stephannn960720Earth and Moon
Evsranger21Earth and Moon
gabgonse131022Earth and Moon
lolomartin2523Sun and Planets (Solar System)
Terry-Ann24Earth and Moon
J.w.25Earth and Moon
lewisnambiti26Earth and Moon
Abbyann27Earth and Moon
Suzaan.Esterhuyzen28Earth and Moon
StefandeJager29Earth and Moon
patrick7530Earth and Moon
WildRehaber31Earth and Moon
Simon0032Earth and Moon
Dump33Earth and Moon

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