
This glossary is a FREE SERVICE to assist the student and enthusiast alike to get a better understanding of scientific terms, wildlife industry jargon and ecological concepts.
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ichneumon The name was used for the "pharaoh's rat", mongoose, or Egyptian mongoose, which attacks snakes; it can also mean "otter".

ichthyologist a scientist that studies fish

igneous rock of volcanic origin e.g. , dolomite

ileum the last, and usually longest, portion of the small intestine. It is found just after the jejunum

illuviation the movement of soil material into a horizon

immobilized a drugged animal which is unaware of its surroundings; the animal loses consciousness and can be handled easily

immobolizing drugs a drug whereby an animal is rendered immobile and unconscious. Used in game capture

immunology the study of the immune system and the resistance it presents to infection

imprinting when an animal has become fixated onto another organism, with the assumption that the organism is its parent

in-situ adj : being in the original position; not having been moved; "the archeologists could date the vase because it was in situ"; "an in-situ investigator" [syn: unmoved]

inbreeding breeding, in animals that are closely related genetically. A frequent cause of abnormalities

increaser i a grass species that is dominant in poor veld and which increases when a veld is undergrazed.

increaser iia a grass species which increasers under conditions of light overgrazing.

increaser iib a grass species that increases under conditions of medium overgrazing

increaser iic a grass species that increases under conditions of heavy overgrazing

incubation the act of keeping eggs warm until they hatch

indicator species organisms that live or grow only in specific conditions and environments. They indicate the health of their environment

inflorescence the flowering parts of grass plants

infrasound ultrasonic made by elephants for communication of long distances

inguinal a reference to the groin region, often associated with a gland

inorganic of mineral origin, not alive

insecticide an artificial chemical for killing insects

insectivore animal that subsists entirely or mainly on insects

insectivorous subsisting entirely or mainly on insects

insolation incoming solar radiation / an amount of energy received from the sun

integument Outermost body layer of an animal, comprising a layer of living cells( epidermis),and a superficial protective coat, in arthropods a secreted hardened cuticle, in vertebrates,dead keratinized cells.

interspecific between different individuals/ species/ groups / communities / etc

intertidal the region between the high tide mark and the low tide mark, also known as the littoral zone.

intertidal zone The ecological zone between high tide and low tide of oceans.

intraspecific between the same individuals /species / groups / communities / etc

invaders alien grass species

invasive plants Plants that are usually not endemic to an area, and have the ability to outcompete local resident species

invertebrates an animal without a back-bone

ionophore an antibiotic used to improve growth in livestock and prevent coccidiosis

iron formation Sedimentary rock consisting mainly of iron oxide minerals

ischium a skeletal structure on the hindquaters of ungulates

island arc Arc of volcanic islands (e.g. Japanese archipelago, Aleutian Islands) formed where one plate containing oceanic crust is subducted beneath another such plate

isoptera the order which includes termites

isostasy Balance of all large portions of the Earth’s crust as if floating on a denser, plastic sub-layer

isotope Atoms (of the same element) that have different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons, thus isotopes have the same atomic number but differ in atomic mass.

ixodid a group of tick species representing those with hard or shield-like bodies

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