
This glossary is a FREE SERVICE to assist the student and enthusiast alike to get a better understanding of scientific terms, wildlife industry jargon and ecological concepts.
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rabies A viral disease, specifically of canids - although all mammals are susceptible. Mortality is extremely high.

rabies vector A mammal which carries rabies

race A subspecies.

radula a specialised feeding apparatus of molluscs, a conveyer belt-like tongue, studded with teeth that is used to scrape up vegetation

rank order A hierarchical arrangement of the individuals in a group (see hierarchy).

raptor a bird of prey

ratites flightless birds

rauisuchid Member of a group of primitive land- dwelling crocodile-like archosaurs, which were the top ambush-predators of larger-bodied land animals during the Triassic Period

red bed Sandstone or siltstone with a red colour, caused by the presence of red oxides of iron

reef (1) A structure built by marine organisms; 2) a planar body of rock enriched in a mineral of economic importance (e.g. gold)

refractory brick Brick made from materials having extremely high melting temperatures; used to line the inside of metallurgical furnaces

regurgitation vomiting

relic A persistent remnant population of an otherwise extinct species.

relict A relict is an animal population that at an earlier time was abundant in a large area but now occurs at only one or a few small areas

reservoir host an animal that harbours a parasite without suffering any adverse effects

resilience the ability of an ecosystem to recover from a disturbance

reticulum the second compartment of a ruminants' stomach. It is non-glandular, it directs re-chewd food to the omasum

rheological properties Properties relating to flow and deformation

rhinotracheitis a viral disease affecting felines and causing flu-like symptoms

rhizome the modified stem of a plant which grows underground

rhynchosaur Member of a group of curious, pig-sized, plant-eating archosaurs with highly specialised teeth; relatively common in some parts of the world during the Triassic Period

rhyolite Fine-grained igneous rock (volcanic) consisting mainly of quartz (silicon dioxide) and alkali feldspar (sodium and potassium aluminium silicates)

rickets vitamin D deficiency resulting in defective bone growth in young animals

rift valley Valley of regional extent formed by the collapse of a fault-bounded central zone

rinderpest a viral disease affecting all cloven-hooved animals.

ring barking removing the bark from around the base of a tree. This usually causes the tree to die within 1 - 3 years

ring dyke Dyke with a circular plan-form

riparian vegetation on either side of a river bank

ripple effect 4 The holding Company for WilldifeCampus, a (Pty) Ltd.

ripple marks Small waves on a sand surface produced by flowing water or wind; often preserved in sedimentary rocks

riverine along a rivers edge

rodent Mod 7 Comp 2 Small Mammals has the characteristics. Molerats, springhares, dormice, squirrels, gerbils, porcupines, rats and mice. In total 34 Families, 354 Genera and 1685 different species.

rodinia Supercontinent believed to have formed about 1 100 million years ago

rotational grazing a habitat management method whereby grazers are manipulated into moving from one area to another to graze

roughage feeder see bulk grazer

rowland ward system a directory of big game records. Horn and tusk lengths and weights. The data is collected from hunted animals.

rumen the first compartment of a ruminants stomach. It is non glandular and holds symbiotic micro-organisms that facilitate digestion of cellulose

ruminant an animal that chews the cud

rupicolous free-living, able to move about at will

rut the period of sexual activity in animals specifically herbivores

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